Brampton Region is one of 13 Regions of the Antique and Classic Car Club of Canada (ACCCC). The Antique and Classic Car Club of Canada was established in 1956 as a non-profit Historical Society to further the interest and knowledge of historic, antique and classic vehicles 20 years and older and associated material and to encourage the ownership, restoration and preservation of such vehicles.

Brampton Region has been an active Region of the club since 1985. We are a family oriented club and enjoy driving tours and related social events throughout the year.
While our focus is on vehicles 20 years and older, original or restored and not obviously altered, it is not a prerequisite that you own a vehicle to become a member of the club – just be interested in our philosophy and enjoy having fun. Modified cars are allowed to join in Brampton Region events, however they are not allowed to participate in National events.
All cars participating in club events must meet club safety standards and are checked at an annual, pre-season, complimentary touring inspection in Brampton.